Valium Detox Cost

How Much Does Valium Detox Cost?

Valium, with the generic name diazepam, is a strong sedative drug belonging to the benzodiazepine class. It works by slowing down activity in your nervous system, producing feelings of calmness and relaxation.

Because of its sedative properties, Valium is often used to treat anxiety, seizures, and muscle spasms. It is sometimes used as a sedating agent before surgery. Also, the drug can be used to help relieve alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

Despite its medical applications, Valium can be addictive. The drug can be abused because of its pleasurable calming effects. If Valium is habitually taken not according to its intended use, physical dependence and addiction are likely to develop.

If you happen to have an addiction to Valium, you will need to go through detox. Detox is quite effective in removing all traces of the drug from your system, which is the first step in getting clean. But you might be concerned about the cost.

Read on to find out how much money you may have to spend for Valium detox. Also, you will find out about options to help you pay for detox.

How much will Valium detox cost me?

Valium DetoxDetox is a critical step in recovering from a Valium addiction. But its cost is easily the most prohibitive aspect of this procedure. You may be concerned that you do not have the money to pay for detox. But that’s okay. This is a typical concern of anyone seeking addiction treatment.

The cost of Valium detox includes different components like doctors’ fees, accommodation fees, and medications. This is why detox can cost a lot, especially if you need a longer time to complete the procedure. If your case requires extra care and a range of medications, these will add to the cost.

Additionally, different providers may charge different rates. Rehab centers in more expensive cities, for instance, may be a lot pricier than those in smaller towns. Also, rehabs with luxury amenities charge much higher prices, even for detox alone.

The kind of drug addiction to be treated is also a huge factor. Drugs that produce dangerous withdrawal systems may cost more to treat, as they require more medical attention.

As a general figure, you can expect to spend anywhere from 1,000 to 1,500 US dollars for the entire detox procedure. This is a lot, and understandably, not many people can easily shell out that much money.

What happens in Valium detox?

The goal of any detox process is to eliminate all traces of drugs from your body. At the end of detox, your body should be able to tolerate taking no Valium at all.

Quitting Valium should be a gradual process. Suddenly stopping your intake of the drug may be dangerous, especially if you have been on Valium for more than two weeks. For this reason, medical professionals recommend tapering off your dose gradually for a safer and less painful detox procedure.

During detox, medical personnel will help you every step of the way. They will determine the best tapering schedule for your case. The length of your taper will vary depending on how severe your addiction is, as well as how well your body responds to detox.

Withdrawal symptoms typically occur during detox. These are signs that your body is trying its hardest to adjust to the absence of Valium. These include:

  • Valium DetoxAbdominal cramps
  • Headache
  • Sweating
  • Muscle pain
  • Tremors
  • Muscle twitching
  • Vomiting
  • Reduced appetite
  • Weakness
  • Heart palpitations
  • Severe anxiety
  • Confusion
  • Numbness
  • Restlessness
  • Insomnia
  • Memory lapses
  • Hypersensitive senses
  • Panic attacks

If you regularly take high doses of Valium, you may experience more severe withdrawal, which can include:

  • Seizures
  • Convulsions
  • Numbness or tingling in the arms and/or legs
  • Hallucinations
  • Depersonalization
  • Psychosis
  • Delirium
  • Coma

To prevent any risky conditions, the medical team will help you manage these withdrawal symptoms. If needed, they may give you a number of medications.

What should I do if I cannot afford detox?

Valium DetoxThe good news is detox is covered by health insurance. Under the Affordable Care Act, insurers are required by law to include mental health services, including detox, in their coverage. If you have private health insurance, it will cover a significant portion of the cost of detox. That means you don’t have to shell out the full cost of treatment.

Take note, though, that not all rehab centers accept all insurers. Check with your rehab center first if they accept your insurance provider. If not, you may need to find a rehab center that accepts your provider. Also, coverage may vary depending on the rehab center.

If you are qualified under Medicare or Medicaid, you can take advantage of these programs to help pay for your detox. Ask your rehab center if they accept Medicare or Medicaid. Also, some US states have specific programs that help addiction patients with the cost of treatments.

Financial aid programs are also available in some rehab centers. They may let you pay in installments or offer sponsorships from charities or donors. That way, you do not have to pay the full cost of detox.

Rehab centers for low-income individuals

Some rehab centers offer their services either for free or at very reduced costs. These facilities cater to people who really have no means of paying for treatment. Contact your state government or the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to get information about low-income rehab centers near you.

Be aware that these rehab centers often operate on very tight budgets. They may not have the latest treatment methods or up-to-date facilities. Also, they may have long lists of people wanting to get treated, which means you may have to wait a long time before you get admitted.

How do I begin with Valium detox?

The first step is to talk to your primary care doctor or a mental health professional. He will assess your condition and refer you to an appropriate detox provider. Then, you can discuss options to find a provider that can fit your budget.

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